
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Autism Awareness Month

April is World Autism Awareness month and I wanted to dedicate this post to some of the wonderful things that people are doing to contribute. My sister's longtime best friend (my non-blood related sister next door), Ashley, has embarked on a truly inspiring journey of helping others. This year, her new year's resolution was to dedicate herself to one charity each month of the year. Over the past several months, she has dedicated her time and worked to increase awareness and raise money for causes including The DJ Dream Fund, which honors a high school classmate's life with a mission “to share DJ’s love of sports by providing the financial resources to enable children and young adults to say ‘YES’ to healthy lifestyles through athletics and wellness programs,” House of Possibilities, which offers programs and care for children and adults with developmental challenges, Team Intestinal Fortitude, which raises money and awareness for those suffering with Chrone's Disease, and finally, this month, Jobs4Autism, which is working to offer pre-employment internships and job matching services for people with autism. 

Her dedication to spreading awareness and gaining support to help those in need is truly inspring. I wanted to share some resources about Autism and how you can help. Check out Ashley's blog,  Redefining Rich, to get more information about Jobs4Austism and other causes that she supports. Also check out Austism Speaks to see all the amazing contributions from around the world, from Major League Baseball to President Obama to the Tower of Pisa lit up in blue. You can also follow @autismspeaks on Twitter to get updates and information. Consider donating, if you can, and if not, take some time to do a little research about Autism and how it impacts children, adults, and families in your community. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Callie, I love that you posted this on your blog. I think we are all connected in some way to someone with autism and that awareness, service and support do amazing things for our community. Check out this website: This is my girlfriend's site - she does incredible things to help her son and to spread awareness.

  2. Callie- Cool post! You will have to tell your sister's friend thanks from all of us! What an awesome resolution. Also, thanks for adding some resources for us as your blog followers to check out!

  3. Thanks for sharing this Callie! It is always so inspiring to hear about wonderful things people are doing- especially when they are someone you care about!

  4. You go girl! This is awesome. Thanks for sharing information on how become more informed and potentially involved. It's really cool that your friend has been dedicating each month to a specific cause, it is truly inspiring to hear.
